
Hello! Welcome!

My name is Jo Elle. I am a mother to three amazing boys living in Auburn, Massachusetts. I am fortunate to have a devoted and supportive husband, and caring family and friends. I am also a Registered Nurse (RN), currently in the labor and delivery specialty. I became so inspired by my first experience breastfeeding that I became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) in 2014. This passion continued to grow through many years of local support and advocacy. I recently became DONA (Doulas of North America) International trained as a birth doula. Empowering birthing individuals and families is a passion of mine that provides me with purpose and genuine happiness. My services are inclusive, catering to families of all dynamics. I am committed to furthering my experience and education to be able to effectively deliver the most current and concise information to my clients while also being a strong resource for advocacy, support, and comfort. I look forward to learning about my clients’ experiences, specific desires and hopes for their birthing process and feeding goals. I am delighted to assist in making such intentions a reality.